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So glad you're here.

Sometimes its hard to think about talking to someone about your life, let alone the deep vulnerable things you struggle yourself to identify. In a culture that still struggling to catch up, I believe the human experience should be normalized and stigma about seeking help should be neutralized.

I'm a Licensed Professional Counselor-Assoicate being supervised by Jennyfer Rosado LPC-S in Wichita Falls, Texas. I see clients both in person and online.

Whether it be a big life event causing you discomfort or unexplained 'yuck' making things more challenging, I can hold space for you. Sometimes we don't realize how much things affect us because our minds are keeping us from the realities our body picks up from our world.

Life can get on top of us to where we struggle with overwhelm, not feeling present in our lives, managing frustration or anxiety, interpersonal conflict, or just general discontent or unfulfillment.

Finding ways to integrate the various versions we create of ourselves to get through our day often involves 'top down' methods like talking things out as well as 'bottom up' methods that acknowledge the body's role in mood and overall mental health. This holistic and person centered approach is how I bring therapy to you.

Hi, I'm Adysen

The first step to therapy is ensuring you feel safe and ​comfortable with me. The second step is that you feel safe ​and comfortable in your own skin. Sometimes this takes ​learning how the body and mind together affect our moods ​and the overall ways we function day to day.

I am a certified trauma specialist (CCTSI) and have been ​trained in several models for treating trauma and mood ​issues including Polyvagal Theory, Somatic Embodiment, ​and EMDR.

Fees and FAQs

Cost per session

Sessions are cash pay (debit, credit, HSA, etc.) and are ​$150 for the initial intake (after the free consult) and ​$130 for subsequent sessions. As of right now I am not ​accepting insurance, but I can provide superbills to ​submit should you go that route. Also, finances ​should not stand in the way of your health so ask me ​about sliding scale options.

The Good Faith Estimate (1/2022 effective date): ​health care providers and health care facilities

are required to provide a good faith estimate of ​expected charges for items and services to ​individuals who are not enrolled in a plan or coverage ​or a Federal health care program, or not seeking to ​file a claim with their plan or coverage both orally and ​in writing, upon request or at the time of scheduling

health care items and services.

I will provide you an estimate either in a 6 month or ​12 month time frame based upon the session ​schedule (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) and upon any ​significant changes. This is not intended to be a ​contracted or exact amount as insurance and even ​appointment frequency can change and is based on ​information that is known at the time it is made.

The Good Faith Estimate does not include any ​unknown or unexpected costs that may arise during ​treatment. You could be charged more if ​complications or special circumstances occur. If this ​happens, federal law allows you to dispute (appeal) ​the bill.

How long will this last?

I am a firm believer in helping clients build resiliency ​so eventually they can handle life on their own two ​feet again. Is therapy worth the time, absolutely. Do I ​feel it needs to last your whole life? Absolutely not. ​Duration is largely personal and we can discuss what ​that looks like together. I am committed to helping ​you along the journey of helping yourself and will do ​so as long as you glean benefit from it!

How often will we meet?

Frequency of appointments is another factor that is personal. I feel progress is made best with weekly or biweekly (every two weeks) appointments. This is a factor however that I would be happy to discuss and adjust as needed depended on personal factors.


First Steps

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I offer a free 15 to 20 minute phone consultation to give you an opportunity to tell me how you hope I can help. In this phone call, I will tell you things you can expect from therapy, how therapy works with me, and info about cost. If you decide you’d like to work together, this is the time where we’ll discuss either my wait list process or we will schedule your first appointment.

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First session

The first appointment is called the intake, and this is where we get more into depth about the things that are troubling you and the specific matters you would like help with. We will review things like your symptoms, personal history, current coping skills, and your goals. We will make a plan together for addressing the issues that brought you to therapy.

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In person…

I currently see clients in person in Wichita Falls, Texas.

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… or online

I can also meet with you virtually anywhere within the state!

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Either way

Ensuring both that you’re on time, and if you choose to meet virtually that your internet connection is secure, will maximize our time together as your time is valuable. Your appointment time is set aside just for you, so let’s be sure nothing gets in our way!

Who I serve...

Common issues I

work with:

Depression, anxiety, trauma, self esteem, social issues, spirituality, sexuality, coping with change, women's issues, postpartum, relationships, stress, suicidal ideation, negative or racing thoughts, identity

Children and teens

Kids can have such a range of difficulties ranging from overt and clear trauma to trouble managing emotions or learning how to communicate. Sometimes they need extra help to begin advocating for themselves. Sometimes they need a space that they can share without fear of what other people think of them. Sometimes they don't know what they need at all. I am more than comfortable to sit with them while they work those things out.

An important note about seeking therapy for children and teens is the involvement and commitment of the parents. I will hold you accountable to make the changes your child or teen needs to thrive. Families are systems. I cannot help your child grow, heal, or change if nothing changes at home as well. Lets talk more about this together...


issues like communication, lack of emotion, loss of feeling, affairs, pornography, finances, extended family, loss, can get in the way of relationship with the one's you love the most. I believe in partnering with couples to address things like these that can be sticking points.


Whatever the issue, however big or small, I can hold space for you. I will sit with you, talk with you, challenge you, root for you, and teach you- all to get you to a place where you feel safe and whole again. That's the main goal. I will also help you discover or explore who you are to determine if you have other goals you'd like to reach for also.

Over all, you are the priority over any method of treatment or information I can provide. Therapy will be tailored to your needs.


whether you're new to this game of parenting or you've been at it a while, sometimes being a mom has pressures we struggle to stand up under. The failings or opinions of our own parents, our trauma, expectations, society, and even physical things like hormones can affect our ability to cope with the many stressors of motherhood. Whether the adjustment of pregnancy is a struggle or simply the current age your child is in has caused enough change to cause stress and unfamiliarity, we are all learning. Sometimes that process is scary and we need a leg up to let ourselves be the mom we were made to be.

Dads too

Dads struggle with adjusting to parenthood as well and I believe in the same way moms need support, dads need their own section to highlight the importance of their roles in their children's lives. Whether a baby is on the way, just born, or simply hit a new milestone, you deserve support and a champion to help you embrace what your role is.

Think we’d be a good fit?

Please reach out- I would love to connect with you. I try to respond within 24 hours. You're not alone.



Contact Me

(940) 247-0401

Office Hours

Monday to Friday

9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Consult calls on Fridays